Saves - Xbox overwrited savings from cloud with old local saving while synchronizing from PC savings

I used to play FH5 on PC for some month. After the update on 15th August I started the game on my XBox X first. The game crashed within the synchronize process. After restarting the XBox, the game gave two options of savings (local new and cloud old). As I expected the older cloud version from 14th August is better and in this case the better option, I choosed this option. But unfortunately the game appeared in an old saving from the last time I played on XBox some month ago.
Back on PC the Synchronization started without options and now the older version is on PC, XBox and cloud … Everything from the past few month is missing …
I care mostly about all the hard to find cars which are not longer available and all the cars I hardly snipped in the auction house …
I already opend a ticket, but didn’ t get any answer from Support.

Any ideas how the solve this?
Is there a local saving on PC I could reactivate?
Any other idea or option to get back on the version from yesterday before the update?

Thank you, guys!

I believe if you have over written the PC save with the cloud save, you’re out of luck. The saving grace between using the PC and Xbox was if the PC had the latest save and something happened to the Xbox you still had the PC save as a back-up, but once that’s gone, I’m afraid you’re stuck with the cloud.

The only thing you can do is submit a support ticket here and see if they can help you:

It’s the red button up the top, “Create a Ticket”.

Good luck!

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