Rolling start in Featured Multiplayer

I’m against it, specifically for spec series but all online racing. Launching well from a standing start doesn’t happen by accident rather it’s a skill that rewards precision, attention to detail and mindfulness.

Tuning 1st gear so that one doesn’t bog down or wind up the rear is a consideration i make and alter on a car by track by surface condition by tire compound by tire pressure basis. Spec series are all about gaining the smallest of edges anywhere there’s one to be had and removing standing starts removes that realistic racing edge.

Please don’t take away standing starts for any reason but especially don’t remove it in an attempt to compensate for the skill issue that exists when bad drivers encounter other cars in turn 1.

I have a better idea and I’ll start my own thread to pitch it. Come over to "I’ve got 99 problems but other players skill issues in turn 1 ain’t one” and consider voting for an existing but unimplemented solution that would keep skill challenged drivers from wrecking you/us/everyone in turn 1.

The problem of standing starts is specifically an issue in spec series that are not one make. Some cars get a massive advantage on starts rocketing through the field many times gaining 3-5 positions. This isn’t skill.

I agree that’s not skill, thats a choice. as in I choose to use a faster accelerating car that’s got a low top speed and you choose to use a more top speed oriented car with slower acceleration. After I accelerate quickly off the line I could equally complain about getting passed by your top speed oriented car at lemans or Daytona or Watkins Glen or mujello or suzuka or hakone or Spa or Silverstone or any track with a medium to long straight. Your problem isn’t caused by standing starts and your problem isn’t fixed by rolling starts, that’s just racing baby.

I would prefer rolling starts not from a skill perspective, but a safety one.

It’s never fun getting rear-ended off the line, which is common if you have a mix of drivetrains (which almost never happens in real life), or you’re in a car that stalls easily.

Rolling starts may also help with field spread in to Turn 1, the source of most incidents in a race.

Except GT series don’t use standing starts. And the point of homologation is to get the cars as close as possible in top speed, acceleration, and handling. The differences when done right are minor. So in this situation, a car that can gain 3-4 spots has a massive advantage. This spefific scenario is common and creates dangerous situations for the drivers ahead of them.

Rolling starts so not entirely eliminate the avatar stronger accelerating cars have. But it does eliminate the ridiculous speed differential at the start.

Following the release of Update 14, the NASCAR events in Featured Multiplayer now have rolling starts.

I think this is a good and welcome addition to the game mode.

I would like to propose that all Featured Multiplayer series use rolling starts, going forward.

Rolling starts would resolve a number of issues:

  • Players getting rear-ended when their car stalls on the start line (very common in R, P and X when using Manual/Clutch).

  • Significant launch differences between various car types in Open Series, resulting in rear-ending and/or sudden swerving through the grid slots.

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Why is this topic not closed yet?

Rolling starts are only in one playlist in Featured Multiplayer. Ideally they should be in all of them, or at the very least every series that uses R, P and X class cars.

Here’s one reason as to why. This is an untuned (rental) car running on Manual/Clutch. While tuning, pausing (for AI driving) and assists can mitigate this, the “out of the box” experience shouldn’t be poor to begin with:

This multi-car incident could have been avoided entirely with a rolling start (or better launch behaviour from the car).

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Ah ok, thanks.

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A post was split to a new topic: Add Rolling Starts to Forza Touring Cars Series in FMP

Rolling starts were first added to Featured Multiplayer in Update 14 for the NASCAR Series.

  • Additionally, we’ve added support for rolling starts in Featured Multiplayer. Rolling starts will be enabled for all events in the NASCAR Series in Featured Multiplayer in Update 14. Rolling starts will be added to additional events, where appropriate, starting in Update 15.

Update 15 enabled Rolling Starts for all events in the following Featured MP Series:

  • Forza GT2 Series
  • Forza GT3 Series
  • Early LMP Series
  • Forza P1 Series
  • Forza Proto-H Series
  • Formula Mazda Series
  • Endurance Series (excluding Forza AUS events)

This general request is being closed to refresh the vote count - please use new topics to request rolling starts in other Featured Multiplayer events.

This topic reached 112 votes, making it a top 10 request in the Multiplayer / Online category.