I’ve seen of one other person on here who is having a similar problem as I am but is anyone else having problems after the update continuing where you left off in a series? I was in the middle of the R class series and now every time I try to continue it restarts the game and kicks me out to the xbox home. I can’t be the only person having this problem and there has to be a way to fix it. Here is a video of what it does to me when trying to continue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCnkxslzNWA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
I’ve got a different issue, I have been working my way through GT racing championship, only had 4 races left to do. Got to the last one LE Mans and I’m now on my 5th go at it. I finish the race and then it tells me one race to go even though it was 10/10 and then it reloads Le Mans again. I don’t like the track that much.
I’m having the exact same issue. I figured that adding another track must have been the reason but I’m annoyed that I can’t finish the series now. I only had 2 left and when I played after the update it just kept reloading the 10th race in the series, the Le Mans Circuit.
Screen indicated 9/10 races complete. Next race LeMans
Next screen: Now leaving Alps festival
Next Screen: Now loading LeMans circuit.
I finish the leman race
Next screen: Completed race 9/10.
Next Screen: now leaving Alps Festival
Next Screen: loading LeMans Circuit
infinite loop.
Gamertag: Laszlo
Turn10 please help/fix
started after the addition of the Road America map. I would guess that the last race or next to the last race Road America was inserted and that is the reason for the infinite loop. Can anyone verify the new track order for the Prototype Race series?
I’m in the P class and mine does the same thing. the only thing i’ve found is we’re supposed to reset our forza profile at the start screen and start over. they show you how in a youtube video. haven’t done it yet myself because i’ve all ready logged several hours on this game and don’t want to start over.
Id completed Career and so when the Road America pack was launched i noticed i needed to complete 1 more track in each series, so thinking this must be Road America added I went straight to it to complete them.
Now when i get in there…yes Rd America has been added …nice one!
Its says i already have GOLD in the event even though ive yet to do it and it shows another track as incomplete such as Laguna Seca or Catalunya.
When you complete Road America it still shows as the other track as missing and only when you do the other track it then comes up as complete for the series.
I really hope forza fixes this problem with something other than starting your game over because i was all most done with all the leagues and don’t want to start all over. you cant even be sure if it wont happen again and right now forza 5 seems to be a waist of time.
I tried uninstalling the game then re installing it as another post had suggested and it didnt help. Still doing the same thing. Guess the ball’s in your court Turn 10.
Just wondering if anyone else has run into this problem and if there is a possible fix for it.
Currently I’m working on S class series but I am stuck on Laguna Seca with 4 races left remaining in the series. Tried 4 times this morning, 1st place everytime but when I go to continue to the next race it just reloads Laguna Seca again.
I tried other series/events and they all advance normally like they should.