Rip out the asphault

to do a rally track az a construction removal of the road any road

i saw this in another game i wont say what it wuz


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Pretty interesting to imagine all of the paved roads to be gravel when in a race classified as “Dirt”.

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A Dirt race consisting only of dirt roads and not just 200 yards of dirt??? Shock, horror…surely you jest?


Should’ve just left it as “Mixed Surface.”

well dirt underneath the pavement you race on

They did this already in the first Forza Horizon (with the rally expansion) and it worked pretty well there.

Is that what the Rally expansion was? Interesting. I didn’t realize they’d mostly reused the existing map.

They don’t actually program dirt under the roads, that would be crazy detailed programming.

Actually, come to think of it, there is a way of making maps that results in a default ground under the roads… if you make the map in layers then the collision map works under the roads.