Have anyone noticed that we got less credits as rewards? When i got Forza 5, you got around 500k credits, and in Horizon 2, you got 400k, but now, in Forza 6, we get 200k, and it shows me next tier: 100k! I think Forza should reward us much more like 800k in 6, H2 and 5, and around 500k in Forza 4 and Horizon.
Thank you, rewards, for being unfair!
Rewards are still tier-based; I got 300,000 per game this morning.
Fortunately, CR is so easy to come by in Forza Motorsport 6 that I barely notice what comes in anymore.
You might notice you get them weekly instead of monthly now. .thats why they appear less
Also they changed the rewards structure just before forza 6 was released
So your 200000 per week is 800000 per month
More than that 500000 per month for forza 5
As per last post…credits are too easy to earn anyway
Rewards is just a bonus