Retro Cartoon Contest 2016 - Thats all folks!

Event/Contest Ended the 22nd of July 2016 !! Let’s all enjoy the memories!!!
Paint contest with old(er) cartoons to use as source material. Like Transformers (G1), M.A.S.K. , GI Joe, Scooby Doo, Flintstones, the Smurfs, Jem and the Holograms, My Little Pony, Carebears, C.O.P.S., the Simpsons…

To me everyone is a winner in this RCC!! But these designs got the most points from voting/rating by the community and T10!

Congratulations to FA RACING 01 on his win!

The top 10:

1530: Tom And Jerry Buick Regal
1400: Transformers Shockwave
1380: Astro Boy
1280: LT: Daffy Duck
1200: Thundercats
1180: Danger Mouse
1160: LT: Roadrunner
1140: LT: Elmer Fudd Astra
1140: Tom and Jerry BMW
1120: Battle of the Planets / Gatchaman

Voting thread (CLOSED)

Artists who participated
Ayanami Gabe
FRDT Pat thecat
HLR Moss
HotLap Designs2
Janda the Red
SCS Skreamies
SnakeEyes Friex
Tea and Tobacco
Varjo Designs
x Exit143 x

Not yet completed on deadline… :frowning: Still hope to see them finished!!
The Maxx
Saint Seiya
The Wuzzles

Finished designs!!
Astro boy
Batman the Animated series
Battle of the Planets / Gatchaman
Mr Benn
Cobra Space Adventures
Danger Mouse
Dragonball Z
Felix the Cat
Hong Kong Phooey
the Inspector
the Jetsons
Klondike / Scrooge Mc. Duck
LT Daffy Duck
LT Elmer Fudd (and Bugs Bunny)
LT Marvin the Martian
LT Pepe Le Pew
LT Roadrunner & Wile Coyote
Mighty Mouse
Orko from He-man
The Real Ghostbusters
Ren and Stimpy
The Rescue Rangers (Chip & Dale)
the Smurfs
Space Ghost
Spider-man and his Amazing Friends
Spider Woman
The Tick
Tom and Jerry
Transformers (Optimus Prime)
Transformers (Shockwave)


Thanks for stopping by!

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Dont get much time to paint at the moment, what about a community collab ?

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that would be cool… but not easily done… like i mentioned i’ld like people to have fun with it and have time to create something… hence the end of july idea… 2 months should give people a few nights to paint right ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Or i could just make it into an event type thing… no winners, just participants … like the gumball ‘comp’ in FM4…

I’m in whichever way the contest/event goes. Will send you a PM on character(s) soon. This just might bring my motivation for painting back.



Its your show, the idea I had to make a collab work would be to make vinyl groups of say 300 layers, put them on sf, then people would make their own layouts from those vinyl groups, post their designs on the thread and pick a winner. Im not sure if this bit is even possible but if it is, have a staffer pull the winning design and use it as a gift car for something.

If that wasnt possible the layout people could also post their background layouts as vinyl groups (front, sides, back etc) so people could put them together themselves too.

Not sure how practical, possible it all is but its a thought, if not for this time maybe the next time ?

Thanks FA!!! glad to have you onboard :slight_smile:

Interesting… that could be a way of having a contest after the event :slight_smile:

Hey Snake, you know I,m in… check your PM :wink:

You sir, had a great idea, it will be nice to see what people will come up with

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as much as id love to join i cant hope it turns out good

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I’m in :slight_smile:
Almost on that Pat will come certainly too.

I go to see if there are no other painters of the French community interested in the competition

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Awesome guys!!! Thanks for the support and entries!!!

Glad to see more people join in, as this won’t be a real Contest i’m hoping to see some new faces too… just paint what you want as long as it reminds us of Retro Cartoons!

Updated OP,

Please share your picks and Work in Progress images in the thread! So we can all enjoy the memories!

It will be nice to see some WIPs here and more people join in…
Thanks once again for holding this, Snake. Lets have some fun!!!

Here’s my first WIP

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Hey Snake this is a cool idea, so I will give it a go. although as 1 other poster stated I am not that good with animals and faces so end of july is good for me. I do have one secret weapon here though and I will share it with others like me. there is a web site called on the sight they give very basic instructions on how to draw tons of things in a step by step way. it was that sight i used to draw the screaming face on my pink floyd car.

that is url for the sight.

now what ever cartoon can I do. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

later guys

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Sounds like fun! I’ll give it a go.

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I was waiting for the return of RCC impatiently,
of course you can count me among painters
thank you again Snake for this competition is henceforth bound to FM :wink:


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1st off, great idea Snake. I’m in!
2nd awesome Spaaaaace Ghost fluex! I guess I’m not going to remake my fm4 space ghost as yours blows it out of the water.
so I will do some research and try to find a subject matter that nobody has selected.

P.S. keep sharing these wips guys!

Thought I should hop on in and at least say hello haha

Time to get started I guess :smiley:

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Wicked work sofar FLUEX! Have seen a few more wips so this is going to be interesting!!!