Request for a Livery!

Hello! I’m Jay, soon on the first Friday of November I will be taking part in a Aussie V8 series on forza 6 for racing group PK Motorsport.

Now, I’d like to request the #97 2016 Aussie V8 Holden paint. For now it’s for me only but bear in mind if I have more than one member I will require the same paint but with a number change.

Now, the numberboards can be found on nikemikerules storefront for when you search a decal, the pro numberboard and the V8 super car logo must be present on both sides of the car. As for my number I run #97!

Apologies for the lengthy post, but for those willing to put aside their time. My gtag is EXE Sasser feel free to message me there for more details!

Cheers guys and gals

Hi Sasser
I am sure a whole bunch would be able and willing to do this for you, but i have a suggestion…
I run a website called that focuses mainly on forza 6 but have no revenue to cover expenses for programming and customization.
Therefore i have created this gig on Fiverr, so people can pay a small amount for a custom paint job, and support my site at the same time:

I would be happy to include some extra customization and details, if your group chose to do this