Repost: Need limo for auction!

Just a post reminder about my desire for Cadillac’s limousine in FH5. I’ve just hit 20 million Credits and I would like to get this car on auction, so if someone here has a spare, please let me know for tonight (my local time right now is 18:50).

Please someone, anyone… I really need this special car in the game, and I’m even interested to see what the inside back of it would look like in Forzavista mode. Please auction it soon…

Even if someone would put it up for sale it would be gone in seconds. You have to spend hours trying to snipe one, thats the only chance you have

You’re not the only one who wants the limo. Lots of people do. They need to give players a chance to ACTUALLY get some of these rare cars. I’ve been trying to get the limo for a year or so now.

Hi mate, I’ve managed to secure a spare limo, I’ll add you on Xbox and sell it to you as a standard price for a good will gesture, hope this helps :slight_smile:


Do you need the limo mate? He doesn’t seem in a rush to get it, it’s a spare so I’ll sell it to you just for the buyout price as a good gesture, let me know :slight_smile:


Hello! Sorry for my late response, I haven’t been here on the Forza Forums for a little while. But thanks for the offer of your spare limo, and to add me on Xbox! :smiley: But, right now, I’m gonna go to sleep, so maybe we could do this later? :wink:

I have another one spare, I’ll be on later today UK time, let me know when you’re available