I would like the Cadillac limo for auction

As I’ve been noted by @Pooya995016, I would like to see the limousine from Cadillac appear in Forza Horizon 5’s Auction House, for me to try and grab. If that’s possible… What would the highest cost be in Cr.? Should it be 1 million at most for this vehicle as a max buyout? I’m not very rich, though.

I managed to get one, but took me 2 days sniping got it for 98,000 in the end. Keep at it

OK, so, 98,000 credits for this?

So… I had a look in the Auction House in FH5 for the limo to appear…but still nothing, even after I made this topic mentioning it. How odd…or am I missing something? :open_mouth: :confused:

It’s only been available once so there aren’t going to be many available.

Oh… Nevermind, then. :frowning:

I have caddy limo but I’m not gonna sell it under 40mill

Cuz it’s rare and I only have 2 of em

40 million is way expensive. :scream: It still leaves me wondering, how to quickly reach those other millions in my Credits balance? I dunno…

Would you sell one for 20 mill puls a pro stock

Nope… I wouldn’t think so. :frowning:

I’ll sell it to you for the pro stock

Dm me

Sorry… I can’t accept. :frowning:

I have a spare Caddy Limo that I’d be willing to trade for a Morris Traveller or Ferrari Cali T.

…I don’t know how to trade.

Be patient and keep trying. I got one for less than 200k about 2 weeks go. My brother didnt have it either, and he ended up getting one 2 days after me for the same price. I know its a bit frustrating just sitting around in the auction house, but if you really want it you’ll get one. I dont think Id ever pay out 40 mil for any car.