Is this for everyone else too?
Seems like replay length has now been reduced to 12 min. This goes for both, instand replay and saved replay.
After release the replay length was about 15 min. Some month ago after an update, the replay length was increased to about 20 - 22 min. And now it’s reduced to 12 min?
I would happily sacrafice hard drive space and have it download straight to there. There’s a load of laps within races that I have lost that I really wanted to see back. It would be very beneficial to how the car is tuned.
I’ve just set up a 8-lap race at LeMans Bugatti for GT3 which should be finished within 12 min limit.
Guess what, the replay cut of after exatly 10 min.
I want to be able to go into photo mode to see specific details about how my tyres are contacting the road and I want to be able to see the telemetry, neither of which you can do with an xbox capture.
I was merely replying about the usefulness being negated by the “short” length. I suspect that the number of people who need more than 10-12 minutes of replay, like those who need a thousand livery and tune save slots, is relatively miniscule. And I think that revelation might shock some of them.
Yes a very good point. I don’t know many people who are willing to spend more than 5 minutes tuning a car. I like to be very particular about every car I drive, but even still I wouldn’t say I have more than 100 of my 550 vehicles that have saved files against their name. So what are they saving “the cloud” for then? I thought it was supposed to be limitless. Oh well, bugger it. Bring back memory cartridges!
The randomness for cutting off replays seems weird.
I’ve deleted all saved replays, some liveries and almost all saved images. Maybe this will free up some space/ressources for a longer replay. I’ll see.