first of all, i love the Forza Series and got myself the Ultimate Edition for Win10 which i enjoy despite the technical issues it still has. I hope you guys clean it up (texture pop in, spray IN the track surface behind cars and strange looking fog clouds hovering IN the track instead of above)
but my main request für you guys is: the replay cameras the car movement in the replay and the overall lighting system of the cars need to improve. these three aspects are to me at the moment the weakest parts in the otherwise great game.
just comparing your TV-like replay cameras to some newly released Gran Turismo Sport ones, your replay cams keep the shot too short, you switch too fast to the next one. Make them more calm.
Also please get rid of the constant switching to camera following the car as if the camera flys on the side of the car, or the cuts from the ground looking up while following the car. Or the switching to bumper cam. Thats not what i want to see when simulating trackside cameras. Make your replays a bit more realistic this way.
The cars move very strange at time during the replays. You hardly see any bodyroll, they look too stiff and at time as if they drive on train tracks and casually glitching a bit to the left and right during corners. It totally breaks the immersion.
The overall lighting system is in comparison to what i saw in GT Sport a little bit too bland. The cars seem to not have Ambient Occlusion, they at times look like they dont belong in the environment, there are no shadows on them coming from theior own parts. This i mean only during gameplay and replay. Of course in Forza Vista or Menus they look stunning.
Please, can you take care of those areas? It would improve the immersion massively.
I haven’t liked PD’s approach to many things graphically for a while now, but I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if they don’t know how to make a replay look good. That’s pretty fine camera work.
I have noticed on PC the drivers car on the replays don’t have correct steering angle animation, makes it look unrealistic when the car goes through the turns or when oversteering.
All valid points. I believe they are somewhat pushing it to the middle or right at the bottom of their priority list. Bodyroll and suspension oscillation has improved noticeably since FM4 but we’re not quite there yet. However, I am definitely seeing improvements between FM6 and 7. Given the sheer amount of cars they have in the game and the resources that need to be divided up between physics calculations, car audio and graphics locked at 30 fps (for replays), there’s only so much bodyroll and suspension movement that can be relayed to the gamer. Imagine if all AI cars on the grid had their suspensions moving like real cars - it’s not impossible but it would definitely put a major drain on the hardware.
So being realistic, there are a high amount of cars on track, the game has to look good no matter what because that is the number one selling point and the cars also have to sound convincing on a track - given all that, I think it would take a really beefed up PC to simulate real-life suspension movement/bodyroll.
I could be wrong on all this, perhaps T10 might be in a position to swap some resources and priorities around and give cars more believable movement and animation but as I also said, it’s most likely a bit low on their priority list.
Between FM2 and 7, it has been a massive improvement though. I think since resources are limited, this is also why we’re not seeing full wheel animation in cockpit view because recreating that in replay cameras is something the current hardware may not be able to handle.
I get where you come from and i see your point. At the same time, why does GT Sport manage to look more realistic in their replays and from what i see their cars move also ingame better. [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]
Well, I wish I had an answer to this one, but GT has always looked stunning, and that includes car movement in replays, great cam angles etc. It’s all very well executed indeed.
GT Sport and PC2 always have stunning replay. I seldom watch FM replays just because it’s still the same since many years ago. Also, lighting for FM competitors looks more natural. Something I feel like FM just has this bright light shooting across the screen.