Forza motorsport shadows are low resolution even at max and the distance they render the high quality shadows is very low and distracting, ray traced shadows would help with making it better/ more realistic.
Raytracing reflections on pc are either non existent or are very poor in quality, much higher quality reflections would be good especially for pc and when playing on ultra wide monitors the hood reflections dont cover the entire hood of the car when in that camera mode
I absolutely second this! For owners of RTX 4090 cards like myself would appreciate the ability to select a higher quality form of RT. I mean if a game like Cyber Punk 2077 can use full Path Tracing then a non-open world game set on relatively smaller game spaces (like a race track) should be able to implement PT as well… What were you guys doing for 6 years? I am a HUGE FM fanboi (just being honest) and even I I having a hard time justifying the time spent on this game… It’s barely better looking then FM7 and honestly not as pretty as GT7 (which also runs on the last gen PS4!!!). I think Turn 10 and Microsoft need to go back to hiring the best people and not simply checking boxes to appear “woke”. This to me is the problem at your studio. You didn’t hire the best people and your product shows this. It started with Mass Effect Andromeda and now other studios have taken this woke crap on too and destroyed the quality they once held. Please go back to Merit based hiring practices and fix this darn (I was told by the site the word I wanted to use wasn’t “allowed”… ugh) game!
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