Ranked needs team balancing or none team based ranked

I have been playing a ton of ranked as im a very competitive gamer, but 3 out of the last 4 matches I’ve played have had multiple disconnects and there isnt any sort of team balancing.

The last match I played ended up just 1 v 6 and then 1 v 5 with me being the only person. Now I understand I could still win, but it would be nice to have team balancing anyways or maybe even Drivatars to fill the spots.

I also personally would like to see ranked where im not locked in, like ranked one off races (not team based) or even multiple races not team based as im tired of coming in first, yet my team sucks and it drops my ranks. After 3-5 races which are pretty much wasted now.

Otherwise loving the game, thanks a lot to the forza team!

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it shouldn’t be team based…

Here’s my idea. Not anywhere close to perfect but I think it’s still better then the team based system. In a racing game like this you don’t want a team. (love the game but the ranked is unplayable)
How the renked races should work:

-TAKE OUT FREE ROAM RUSH! It’s basicy a competetive game of lottery, you smash into a tree you loose it’s fun in but not in ranked.
-There would be 6 players in one match, the players should be ghosted out so nobody could smash into you and others and place you on an orbit around the sun.
-There would be 5 races and your positions in the end of the races would be added together and who has less points won 1st place and so on.
-The first 2 people would win +X amount of points the 3rd position would get 0 points the last 3 people would loose -X amount of points.

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