I can’t seem to find a way of telling what class limit I’m meant to be in for races, and also don’t see a way of finding out what the restrictions are for races. Someone tell me there’s a way of seeing this? I’ve upgraded a couple of cars to race with and was told they were illegal, w.tf is legal then? It doesn’t tell you. Any pointers would be appreciated!
I believe you have to go to the BUY car screen in the race menu and it displays suitable vehicles pre-upgraded. Then back out and select/mod your owncar. Its a pain in the @$$ .
Should tell you the class on the main screen and should allow you to buy stock and modify before entering rather then pre-upgraded
Wow, that is a pain in the arse! Why did they make this mechanic so cumbersome! It’s a bit ridiculous! Cheers for the info buddy, much appreciated.
No worries. Im sure they did something similar on 4? . Rectified with a patch at later date.
Unfortuntely its a silly oversight but it happens i guess.
I found out by building a car thinking it would matchthe drivatars to my class… Wasted 60k on parts lol
You spent 60k on parts…that is not a waste ever.lol.
Oh I’ve just found another way, if you have a car that is illegal, on the pop that asks you “do you want to automatically configure your car for this division” press on “manual upgrade” and the next screen will tell you exactly what class the car has to be. Long winded as sh1t, but it is there.
Well it works as an option if you have correct car style. So at least its easier then trying to find out what cars THEN having to buy one.
Thanks everyone, was wondering the same thing!
Thanks for the tip. This has been driving me completely insane. I really hope they fix this in a future update.