Question regarding replay

I know couple of updates before there were some improvements to replay. Lot more information is available now in replays which I remembered tinkering with …

Now I want to remove all the elements from my replay UI and just want to see cars in the action. For the love of god I can’t figure out how to do that.

There are 4 areas I’m seeing which I want to hide/show as I wish.

  1. Entire left side - Long list of drivers. I can use ticker to change what’s shown next to the driver name. But I can’t seem to hide the entire thing.

  2. Right side - 1st section is track and position info. Can’t find a way to remove it.

  3. Right side - 2nd section is Map. Luckily there is a button to hide/show this.

  4. Right side - 3rd section is driver information. Again there is a button to customise what information shown there such Summary, Damage etc. But I can’t figure out how to hide it.

Simply put there is no way to hide and get a clean UI except the map.

What am I missing here? Or this is the intended behaviour?

On console “Start (3 lines)” brings up this:

“Select (2 squares)” hides the entire HUD.


Thanks so much for this. I did used it before, now totally forgot this exists :rofl:

I have noticed that they improved the standard replay angles on Spa. It’s far more enjoyable and exciting to watch now. Hope they do this will all tracks ultimately or give the option to have more TV style cameras, more trackside cameras, or more car focused cameras e.g. Pretty sure has an option like this going all the way back to GT3 or 4 I think.

How do you hide your own driver name on saved replays on pc?