Question about getting Manufacturer Colours in FH3

Hello there guys,

I am trying to recreate some manufacturer colours in FH3, mainly the colour of my IRL car “Topaz Blue Metallic” (BMW Colour code: 364) and only rely on trial and error with a lot of eye measure.
I am wondering if there is some way i could find out the RGB/HEX from the Manufacturer colour infos other than using websites such as or by inserting pics and searching for specific pixels.
Also would like to know how exactly the Forza sliders work with the RGB colours (heard something about having the HSB, while deviding H by 360).

Would realy appreciate any help on the topic, and/or maybe some tips which colour type to use for this specific colour.
Preview irl (not my car):

Check this out…

Hope it can help you…

The best thing you can do is use something like the below and then use the colour conversion tutorial Fluex linked too

I’m not sure how the colours will translate into metallic style though but it should get you close
