Hi everyone,
I have recently created a Skype group for serious public lobby racers. We look for clean, fair and respectable racers, no matter what ability.
There is currently 5 of us in the group but we look to expand. The reason for this group was so that we can message each other whilst racing, or to find out who’s online. We mainly join as a group and race in B class public lobbies (and usually dominate).
There is also a fair amount of banter in the group chat, we have people from around the world, male and female. We really want to make this a bigger thing and have more people that just want to find casual but fast racers. We don’t have set times of when we are online (that’s why we chat in the group) but it’s usually evening/night.
If you are interested, message me on Xbox and we can talk further! GT: iLefty98
Thanks For Reading!