PTG Ace Ventura's Horizon 4 Liveries (11/30 NEW! F1-GTR MAJOR NEWS SOON!)

I have a thing for wrist watches. I’m definitley going to have to nab myself that Blancpain Lambo!

Ace, your Magnum Force is too badass, glad to have it. :wink:

Excellent work as always brother!

Going to have to download that 69 Camaro! Lancia is looking sweet as well! Thumbs up!

really liking that Lambo

Dig on that Camaro :+1:t2::sunglasses:

DAMN :sunglasses::+1:t2:

Paints are really nice man, escpecially the Blancpain Super Trofeo Pace Car. I really like how clean and slick it is. I’ll be getting it when I find time for Forza some time this week hopefully.

I have some of these already. :smiley:

So Jamie did create an A800 tune for the Porsche… I wanted to run full wide tires and GT2 engine swap, but had to downgrade the tires too much for the car to fit into A class. I’m sure Jamie came up with something better, as his work is incredible.

The E-Type and Jagermeister Porsche are sweet. The gallery is looking fantastic with all those great paints. Nice!

Great work on the new paints. Really liking the R34. Great photos btw!

The community should consider itself lucky to have you back, Ace. I don’t have Horizon 4 (and don’t intend on getting it), but you’ve–judging by this thread–already made your mark in the game!!

The Björn Waldegård replica was a nice surprise to find among your other great liveries. :slight_smile:

Glad to hear your impressed Kool, always happy to see you chime in. :slight_smile:

I appreciate the download my friend and even more so that you like the livery. I aim to please, thank you for commenting it means a lot to hear folks thoughts.

Jamie is a whiz in the speedshop, guy can turn anything into a beast. Have been running his tune on the car, I also have other liveries that fit it but either way the tune is great and glad to hear you’ve already got some of my catalog. I appreciate the downloads!

Thanks my man, always glad to hear from you! Those are two of my favorites from this set as well, I’m glad you like them and especially the E-Type as it’s an original and not a replica.

Thank you Elm, glad to hear from you. The R-34 is a nostalgia trip, I love Gran Turismo 4 so it’s a favorite of mine as well. Glad you like the photos but those were all the work of PTG DAN0.

Great to hear from you my man! And with such high praise nonetheless I’m honored, especially coming from someone who has done the community such a service as you have with your encyclopedia of NASCAR liveries. I think anyone who wanted to run a spec series could fill two or more grids with your replicas alone and still not have a duplicate driver! I understand about you not wanting Horizon, I too prefer the Motorsport titles but I’m glad that you appreciate the liveries and the Björn Waldegård replica especially. I’m proud of the wide-fenders on that one. If your interested it’s available in Forza 7 as well.

Okay folks, before I head out for my own Halloween festivities I wanted to show off a few of my cars costumes.

Today we have a few cars that I have painted that are wearing costumes! For those who aren’t picking up what I’m putting down it’s a bunch of widebodies! Cars pretending to be big and wide but I think they pull it off alright lol.

My personal favorite is up first. This car is a custom built 1969 Ford Mustang. It was built for drifting legend Vaughn Gittin Jr. in conjunction with Team Need For Speed, RTR and SpeedHunters. I present to you the RTR-X


Next up is a Nissan GTR pretending it has a BenSopra bodykit on it. This car was featured in some of the Fast And The Furious movies.

BenSopra R35

Lastly is a Datsun 510 that wanted an extra set of doors.

Datsun 510 4 Door Street Car

That’s all for now folks. Thanks for looking and as always commentary and feedback are welcome and appreciated, positive or negative.

Cheers, Ace

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Thanks ryn0. I love doing widebodies and that GTR is one of my favorites. I think I really got it with the wide look for that one.

Hahah glad you like it and yours is quite a bit better than some of the others out there so don’t feel too down about it lol. As for the photos, the one’s you’ve quoted my teammate PTG Korniis95 took them and I’m marveled at his forzatography skills. So even I am bewildered by those photos.

Just gonna quote myself from page 2 and bring these designs over to the new page for ease of viewing.

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Awesome job on the wide-bodied look, especially fond of the GTR. Enjoy your Halloween!

Love that GT-R livery!

Mooneyes Camaro is so awesome!
Looking forward for more 70’s inspired painjobs

I love your Fake Bodykits. Great idea.

Great work Ace! Your attention to detail is amazing! Thumbs up brotha!!!

My favorite design is the Map of France. Very nicely done!