PS4 Controller not working for me on pc.

Hi! So I have been playing Forza Horizon 3 for about a year on my computer. I’ve always liked the ps4 controller a little bit more than Xbox so that’s what I have.

Only recently, my PS4 controller doesn’t work on FH3. I play other games with my controller and it works fine, but when I try and use my ps4 controller on FH3 it doesn’t connect.

I’ve been trying to find any tips on how to fix this but I haven’t been able to find anything. If you have any idea on how to fix this then please message tell me.

I would research around on the Forums as there has been different issues with the PS4 Dual Shock Controller V1 and V2.

I have heard that making sure if you have the Steam app, to make sure that it is completely closed.

Also I saw this post was posted twice. I a have been having issues posting or reporting things. Think I accidentally sent a report like 10 times cause it wasn’t showing going through on my end.

Good Luck