Progression being forced?

A quick question about the progress in the game. I’m playing on hard level from the start as I want the game to really last. The thing is, if you take Nice for example, I arrive in my Ferrari and do the relevant championship.

I finish fourth, so I want to stick around and try the championship again or do different championships. But I can’t. The game forces me to move on to the next area. Is there a way to avoid this?

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I don’t have the game yet but based on what I know, after Nice championship is completed, you have to move to sisteron for next championship.
Then you will go back to Forza Horizon hub (your road trip starting point)
You might be able to go this championship in Nice again during your next roadtrip (so in 1 or 1.5 hour of gameplay) if the road trip come back to nice

I just arrived in Sisteron so I can’t know for sure but I guess that there is a certain path you have to take until the finale and after that you’re probably free to do what you want.

Once you finish a championship, you are presented with a road trip. You will be presented with road trips until you complete the Horizon Championship; however, you can go back and do more in the same area without completing the championship. I’m pretty sure you can register at any event center (Nice, Sisteron, ect.), but you will need to complete the assigned road trip first (Point to Point drive). Think of the road trips as actual races (they do give XP). Once you are checked in at the road trip end point, head to where you want to enter a new set of races. You should have the option to check in.

I have to agree. I finished the finale.
I want to be able to go pick a course or race and do my rivals racing. You can race rivals on a certain course immediately after completing that course, but if you hit A,instead of X, there is no way to go back to that event to practice the track, work on laps times, race rivals, etc. I find that very disappointing myself. You can go to these races using online freeroam, but not freeroam…

You can do rivals challenges for race you have completed at any time! Bring up the menu and under the Rivals tab select FESTIVAL ROUTES. Then you can race rivals in any class you choose and on any of the tracks in any zone you have raced in the main campaign (Castelletto for example has 12 courses with 6 performance tiers). I personally love racing rivals after finishing a race and really perfecting the track without the bumper car effect of the other racers.

However I am still curious about the main question. When can I come back and race the other championships in each area Catelletto, Nice, etc?