Problem after reclaiming cars. the game is essentially stealing them from me

So when post something to sell on the Auction House and it does not sell after reclaiming the car has no picture when I go through My Cars. When I try to sell it again no matter how many times I try all I get a message that says posting the car has failed because of a server problem. It doesn’t happen 100% of the time once it does the car is essentially lost. Any ideas? I have about 50 million in lost cars which is nonsense. Any ideas?

Could potentially be part of a known issue from what you’re describing, but as far as the error message you posted, that’s a server issue. Hate to state the obvious, but have you tried restarting the game?

When you restart be sure the game is removed from quick resume before starting it if you are on XSX.
Edit: noticed you’re on pc.

Are you able to get in the car? If so I would make a change to it such as removing the livery or resetting the tuning. Then try listing it again.

I’ve had the thumbnail dissappear when I’ve attempted to auction a car and it fails there with a server error. It’s a little different situation but I’ve always been able to access the car afterward though.

I can get in the car and drive it but the thumbnail never comes back or am able to sell it again. I have tried repainting and upgrading to see if changing the car would “reset” it but no such luck.

By restarting the game do you mean just exiting and reopening or do you mean just starting over from scratch? If you mean exiting and reopening… yes, I have shut down the PC and reopened more times than I could count. This has been happening for a couple weeks and my PC gets shut down at least once a day.

Not exactly sure how it works for PC, but with XBOX, you need to specifically “quit” the game before restarting, which is what I was referring to.