Private Multiplayer Trackselection

Hi there,

I have a small question.
When I drive with my friend I have the Trackselection on Randem. After the Event when we click on Next Event Forza loads the same track even when I selected Random in the settings. The only way to get a new track for me is to kick out the second player and selected track again on random it loads another track.

Is there a way to change the tracks or make it random withour kicking the Player out? Or is the matchmaking not that good at all?

So there is no one who can explain my this problem?

You should check on this issues in the Troubleshooting Hub,
and vote for it if you found the issue there.
Or post the issue in Troubleshooting Hub/Report New Issues if you don’t find it in order to get votes for the issue.

With some luck it will be fixed within a few months…

OK Thanks for the hint