I get lag with one friend an the rest are drivertar, dont get it with other games
Couldn’t agree more, we desperately need private lobbies fixed to be league friendly.
I wish my league had 12+!!! Best we get is about 7, but glad we aren’t having those problems. Richard1973 has previously made a thread stating that the random grid isn’t random what so ever! I’m not sure if it’s a forza thing or a XBL problem, but usually we have a problem with one or two persons not being able to join the game, but were accepted in to the party and we have to start a new party etc…
I had no idea it was this bad. Shocking! I’ve only raced public lobbies and only seen the occasional lag spike bad enough but nothing like you’ve described. Organising a bunch of people to get together on the internet’s for any kind of gaming is hard enough without stuff like this going on.
And it is really disappointing when we plan two 40 minute races and it turns into being a 2 1/2 hour debacle. Between lag restarts, people not being able to connect and comm issues it really hurts morale.
It should also be emphasized that these issues have not suddenly appeared. They have been present for quite some time.
But in the past couple of weeks, the issues have become far more frequent and persistent, quickly approaching a state of critical mass. It would be unfortunate if leagues felt it would be easier to cancel an event vs fighting through the endless cycles of technical problems.
Additionally, I created a thread on the XBOX Live support forums that references this thread. I suspect XBOX Live has ownership of some of these issues (particularly the comm issues) and given that we all pay a monthly fee to play online with one another, then surely we are entitled to some help in resolving these issues and improving the quality of service.
I backed up your post with a reply.
It’s high time this issue is fixed. It is simply unacceptable in this day and age to produce a title with such a poor multiplayer experience and not have it mended 6 months after launch.
Yeah plain n simple online Lobbies/multiplayer is shocking…and still not been fixed 6 months later tells me it never will be…its die a slow painful death, 2 more months n if its still the same i know at least 5 people who will have had enough n will prob never play forza again… n thats just me x that by another thousand n forza are in turmoil especially with future release titles looking promising from other developers… its a shame as Fm5 should and still could be great …but how long can we wait???
I backed up your post with a reply.
It’s high time this issue is fixed. It is simply unacceptable in this day and age to produce a title with such a poor multiplayer experience and not have it mended 6 months after launch.
I backed up your post with a reply.
It’s high time this issue is fixed. It is simply unacceptable in this day and age to produce a title with such a poor multiplayer experience and not have it mended 6 months after launch.
Everything mentioned in here is so very true. I could only hope someday somehow public lobbies and private lobbies get fixed. The crazy lag spikes are so infuriating while in a league race. One second your good the next your getting punted off the track. I have seen it 3 times now in a league that i was in where half way thru the race somebody gets black screened out of the race. Now its decision time. Do you back out and lose you 25 min of racing so far to pick him up and start over or do you just keep going since who knows how long it would take to get another lobby up and running correctly.
I absolutely love forza but this should be addressed or at least let us know if it being addressed at the moment. Its frustrating asking where somebody is all the time because he has quit the lobby on my screen but he is actually right in front of me. 2 thing happen here i either punt him off the track not knowing he is there or im so cautious not to hit him i end up wrecking myself.
Unfortunately these lag problems seem to go back to the days of forza 2… Maybe by forza 6 we will get a fix.
It shouldn’t be a lag problem because Forza 5 uses Xbox Live’s cloud infrastructure aka Azure servers. And it is also not a NAT problem found by this on the Xbox Support page:
This is the next gen after all. I think as dedicated players we deserve some kind of explanation as to what is happening. It has been 6 months since release and there hasn’t been one fix.
I can report between a group of 5 of us that we can regularly play Titanfall, join each other’s games, experienced lag a handful of times, chat works and no crash to home screen.
Titanfall is smoother up to this point. I have never had a chat issue or major lag. Only thing i have gotten so far is sometimes its hard to get the party together but thats usually once a week.
So, would we be able to assume from this that it isn’t the game that is at the root of this? But, why would one game’s dedicated servers excel over the other’s? You would think they would be able to operate at similar levels, even more so because I’m sure Titanfall has a much larger multiplayer community. I think there’s something missing here and the only people that can answer it are those at T10 and/or Microsoft.
I hope by now, Turn 10/Mircosoft is aware of this & are hopefully going to fix this. SOON!
Was in a private tandem lobby of 6 people when I noticed a player was missing. I thought he quit before it started but he was actually in the race and sent me a few messages asking why I kept crashing him. I told him it does the invisible (with unlimited mass) glitch that was present in Forza 4 a few times.
I don’t know about you guys but it feels like Forza 5 was abandoned by the devs when the game released. Just a weird vibe I’m getting… I assume and hope they are working on this game or a diff game entirely. I would rather next forza to be near 100% efficiency than them waist time on an improbable cause if that’s the case. Networking is the biggest issues though