FIX Private Lobbys!!!

I never played a forza title with so many bugs. PLEASE fix the servers! A friend and i cant create a Private session. It sucks. Every time theres an error… “error on game session award” or something. I payed 100 euro for a game which i cant enjoy with friends. Please fix it

I would like to second this.

Why is private lobby so limited? No AI cars? What if I want to race with a friend or two and add some AI to have an actual immersive racing experience?


This needs sorting T10, a lot of forza players don’t go in public lobbies

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We’re having problems in private lobbies for about a month now on FH3, now the same thing is happening on FM7… Don’t expect a fast solution or one at all.

Really? This would be the final straw for me

Honestly? I’m pretty much done with Turn10 at this point. It feels like they simply ignore everything said here, even serious stuff like server problems like this. We actually got a response saying they were going to fix it, I’m still waiting for this to be solved.

You guys must all be 15 and under. No patience at all… the me generation