Pre Order Cars Question

for anyone that pre-ordered, did you guys receive your pre order car?? I went bought from microsoft store, and Still haven’t received anything but a receipt. Help!

Does not work on PC atm. It’s unknown if there will be a patch or not.

I pre ordered the UE through a rather large German retailer and contrary to amazon, bestbuy etc. I didn’t get any pre order car. I will open a support ticket on the matter, because this is just wrong.

Same here. No preorder car for PC.
Bought it on Microsoft Store…received a receipe for the game but no Code for the car, guess it’s not necessary as it’s not a third party shop like Amazon.

Really like to have the car, but with so many other problems in this game I doubt they will fix it soon.

Yeah, it doesn’t seem to work on PC. I bought the game from Microsoft store, even got a redeem code for 2016 Mercedes-Benz C 63 S Coupé Preorder Car. On the release day. Went to like it said in the message to redeem. But no car ingame :frowning: My Xbox account even shows the car as DLC under My games. I hope it’s not only for US Microsoft store customers or something like that. I’m in Germany.

For some odd reason, probably with a reason behind it, on XB1 theres a Ferrari 488 GTB and a Ferrari 488 GTB PreOrder Edition, and thats the same for all pre order cars… I bought my Ultimate Edition FH3 from Amazon which should mean I get the Audi R8 2016, but instead, every “pre-order” car is available to me… I’m vomplaining by any means lol accept that if I knew that I would have pre ordered from GameStop to get the Centenarion model :frowning:

It was said from the start that all the preorder cars were going to be already available to buy in the game
The only difference is like you have said it says preorder edition and they have a upgraded tune

I received my preorder Mercedes code
It gets sent through xbox live messages
Maybe contact xbox support

I have since picked up a code for the preorder mustang as well

I’m sure people will be selling them on ebay too even though there’s no real point unless you are a collector and must have every possible car

We have bought Pizza’s and received Pre-Order codes for cars. But you only get 1 code per order. So far it has been the C63 & GT350R. Only in Australia. :wink:

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that’s how i got the Mustang, next week there’s 1 more…can’t remember which one though