Posting times in rivals has some problems....

Since a week now there is a problem while during racing in rivalsmode. I´m driving lets say 15 laps and not the best laptime of all gets postet. It seems like the servers are not reachable or so after a few laps…have no idea if this is known or not.

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You’re certain your best lap is clean?


Happened to me today in Free Play. Took 3 seconds off my best time at Prague after a couple of tweaks to a car and the only time posted was an early run before my tires heated up. And it was definitely a clean lap, because I was amazed I got through the Prague canyon 3x in a row so I was definitely paying attention.

And the same thing happened on Laguna Seca earlier in Rivals Mode.

I’m not that great a driver, so this is really annoying.

I had the same issue last night while running the Invitational Rivals Challenge. I had put down a clean lap time I was satisfied with but when I checked the leaderboard that time was not the same as what I had just run. After switching tunes I ran another twenty laps on the same rivals challenge an thankfully that time my best lap was saved to the leaderboard. It certainly does seem that the servers may be acting up a bit.

I had the same problem on long beach full circuit in d class today mad a 1,34.665 clean would be number 75 it did not update the leaderboard.
Tried it in c and bclass and it worked, went back to d class and run over 30 laps to beat my time made a 1.34.556 made sure everything is clean and saved it as a clip
Tp prove it. And again did not show up on the leaderboard .:tired_face:

Lots of people are having this issue right now. I ran a much faster lap in the Forza Invitational rivals event and it didn’t record.

I did 7 laps there today and it says I don’t even have a time. Lol. Silly game

It is so ridiculous. Even if i get the message of “you beat blablabla” it doesn´t count. Thank you so much Turn10 for enjoying your problems so much!
For me i have to say this game is useless. Onlinelobbies full of crash kiddies, careermode 2 lap races (booooring), rivalsmode…well no servers available to post your best time.

Hah this happened to me yesterday on the invitational rivals. Thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.