Possible hackers in Forza Horizon 4 eliminator mode PC

In recent weeks I have noticed strange behavior in FH4’s eliminator mode, I have been disconnected from sessions frequently, most of the time it occurs precisely when I am running away from another player who has a faster car, when I stop to stay hidden or for a short time After getting a level 7+ at the exchange points, I don’t believe it’s a problem with my connection, since I have 600 Mbps fiber, I can still finish a few games, but it seems like I’m “marked” by other players, as soon as I’m noticed in the session I was “kicked”. In the disconnection message, no log or error code appears, just: “You have been disconnected from the session”, I press see more and nothing appears. Anyone experiencing the same problem?

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Hi @edukn since this touches on enforcement, please follow the steps in this article at Forza Support so the team can investigate: