The interior on the new Taycan looks low resolution when viewed in 3rd person as you pan the camera around the car.
Pic 1 during regular gameplay vs Pic 2 in Photomode. Quite noticable blurr in the front and rear passanger seats. Where as in pic 2 the interior looks nice and sharp as it should be.
Obviously in photomode the car model is different but that doesn’t mean this is how all interiors in the game look like.
Here’s another picture taken at night:
Dashborad screen shouldn’t look this blurry. Now I do understand that we’re not supposed to be able to see the dash from 3rd view in it’s full detail but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be any detail at all.
Normally on any other car we’d be able to see the dash lights,speedometer ,everything… Another comparisson:
2020 taycan:
Audi rs7
Cayman gts:
And again the Taycan Cross Turismo:
Platform: PC/Steam