It’s such a good car.
why i cant get the 918 spyder i bought the porsche pack if there is no way of getting it for free i hope turn10 will bring that forzathon back
Paid DLC packs only include the car models listed in their description. There are dozens of other models in the game that are exclusive bonus cars - free for all players for a limited time via Forzathon events, and then available only from the Auction House from other players. Turn 10 commented on the availability in last Friday’s Week in Review.
Hey guys,
Just wondering if it is possible to get the 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder on forza horizon 3 still. I missed the #forzathon which I’m gutted about!!! is there another way to still get it? Through auctions or store or something?
Thanks for any help
Auction house
I’m sure it’ll come up in a future forzathon… judging by past ones…
While I’m sure you are correct this is from the week in review
Week in review 4/21/17
So I wouldn’t be under the expectation that it will be soon.
Found it in the auction, I must have stuffed something up last time all good.