I can’t be the only person thinking that cars should have the option to apply brakes from other cars as upgrades, and the 992 911 Carrera S desperately needs that. Stock brakes look fine, nothing wrong with them apart from kind of low caliper quality. Race Brakes, however… they’re just tragic. They’re too small, extremely low quality, and their size cannot be increased because the Carrera S doesn’t have a Wheel Size upgrade. That’s why it needs brakes from another Porsche, and it just so happens that there is another 992 911 in the game - the 911 GT3.
I mean the brake models are a bit old now, would be really nice to see some new ones for FH6, maybe even branded ones from Brembo. Different brands could be separated as Sport and Race brakes and would have the same performance, but would be a nice aesthetic choice.