Please fix bugs which affect game play first. Now that the expansion packs are released please fix the core game. Fix ability to see design in all views in auction house. Broken since day 1. Show number of downloads for all created content in all fields, especially vinyls. Show which tunes are being downloaded to creator. The creators are NOT getting accurate feedback for quantities. Stop removing designs when reclaims cars. Provide adequate space for number of cars and designs in game so game actually works and doesn’t arbitrarily say not enough room. Really I have a huge external hard drive just waiting to save data. When you reach legend status all you have left is to buy others designs but I can’t because the game strips them off before putting them in my garage.
Moved from the Suggestions Hub. @Pixarlover we appreciate the feedback but for voting sections such as requests in the Suggestions Hub and bugs in the Troubleshooting Hub we need topics to be limited to one issue each. Please do recreate those topics if they aren’t already in place to spur more community attention and we can use the numbers to further make the point about priorities with the development teams.