Player / Car Proximity Arrows / Indicator / Radar

As a First Person (Dashboard/Hood/Bumper) racer,
I would like to have a visual guide to show me where other cars are located,
So, I don’t collide with them when they are next to me.

Remember to Vote (above) on this suggestion if you find it valuable for your gameplay.

Proximity Indicator, Proximity Arrows, Proximity Radar

How would this differ from the mini map or looking to the back or sides?

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There are other players?

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@PandemicBow2072 have you ever tried playing Forza Motorsport 7?

  • You see it in the lower middle of the screen.

There are also many other racing games which support Radar/Proximity Indicator on the HUD.


Great suggestion.


Forza Motorsport 7 Proximity Indicator



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How many votes does a feature request requires to be accepted for the managers to push the the devs?

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If we cannot get rearview mirrors, then at least give us this!

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Ttiis item shoud to be mandatory in any race game

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Just because it was in forza motorsport doesn’t mean it will be added to fh5.

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This will never be included in a open world racing game like the horizon games. All the motorsport games were closed circuit which is why it showed that indicator.

I wanted to bring up the idea of proximity arrows to help players understand how close they are to other drivers, like the arrows in motorsport that identify other cars on the track around while changing color as they get closer.

I came from older motorsport titles over to Horizon where I have played from Motorsport 2 to Horizon 3 in cockpit view as my preferred view. I noticed an issue though when I started playing Horizon 4 online in cockpit view where I simply wouldn’t see people next to me sometimes due to the lack of proximity arrows on my screen telling me. This would lead to accidental ramming situations on tight corners, and I couldn’t stand it myself, and a lot of players showed me what they thought about it too… i don’t blame them. If I got messages, I would normally apologize and tell them I’m in cockpit view and couldn’t see them, but it wouldn’t always go well. I think proximity arrows or a radar function would be the fix to these issues.

Instead, I relearned the entire game in 3rd person to stop myself from accidentally ruining people’s races.

Adding either proximity arrows or a radar that emits from every player’s car that measures from player to player, even with a bit of lag would be super helpful. (like as my dot gets closer to your dot, the radar or arrows pop up to show where they are related to you)

I know when I play wheel, I can’t play in any other view but cockpit, and I normally have to tell the people I race with to be careful and honk at me if they are next to me because I can’t see them and will inevitably run them off the road if I’m unaware. (I try to use my mirrors, but not seeing one side entirely is kind of rough).

I’m sure there have also been a good number of bans for something like as well that probably wouldn’t have happened if they had the arrows/radar to help them know where other players are.

For the sake of racing in any view you want without the fear of accidentally ramming and/or getting banned for “ramming” please add proximity arrows or a radar. Please take away the fear of side-by-side racing in cockpit view.

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Thank you for updating the tag and getting this to the correct spot. I wasn’t really sure where it went. @T10ManteoMax

Yep, make it easier for the rammers and blockers to see their targets…

Seriously though, great idea, this should be a no brainer

Would love it, it helps avoiding divebombers


That is exactly my point, I race with a couple of friends, and watch it from the bonnet camera since I race with a wheel and I have told my friends to inform me which side they are coming up on when they are going to overtake me so I can give them room, else I might just take that corner a bit tighter and side-ram them.

It is extremely hard to give room to passing teammates or block enemy drivers without Proximity Radar or at least just rear-view mirror. Just give us at least one of them,… please!

I have noticed that the Proximity Arrows (as they are called in Forza Motorsport) seem to be pointing at the player name, instead of the front axle which can be misleading… please point the arrow at the front axle.

Vote here too!
Thank you :blush:

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I absolutely agree with you!

I constantly race in bonnet view since I am using a wheel, so anything which can help me prevent crashing into a teamate who is trying to pass me because he is faster (yes, it happens sometimes) would be nice!

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