Photo Mode Lighting Changes

So this may be a very straightforward question that has already been answered somewhere & if so, I’ll apologize in advance, but…
Prior to the photo mode changes, I had created a “photo studio” Eventlab (as many others had) for the express purpose of lighting effects that would highlight the car designs. I created one adjacent to one of the waterfalls to incorporate the mist into the photos, which worked brilliantly as in the photo below.

Fast forward to the photo mode upgrades & this is what the exact same location looks like using default settings for time of day, etc. So what exactly happened & is it possible to have the original lighting conditions back or is this now just lost due to the changes? I’m on XSX btw if that matters. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Have you tried changing the photo settings to match what you set for the event lab? It looks like it’s prioritizing them possibly.

Yep, that photo is set to night, as with the event lab.

Hmm, when I have a chance I’ll check what happens in mine that’s at night. It’s a bit haphazard compared to your setup.

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Just tested, mine works as in the past. It’s night, post rain. I’m not able to change the time and weather in photo mode without being in freeroam per the message.

I’ve had several blueprints drop the rules. I’ve had to recreate them. It might be worth saving it as a new instance at night with your weather. That’s all that comes to mind at this point.

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Thanks for the feedback. Just out curiosity, would you be willing to try my Eventlab to confirm you get the same results?

Yeah sure, hadn’t thought of that. I’m logged off from the game so it may be a bit before I’m able.

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Tried your studio with an rtr and your paint, not even close. Then I remembered that I saved a screenshot of settings for some pictures I saved from my studio a while back. I went back to mine with the original car I used and it’s completely different as well, way overexposed. I just have a studio with neon so honestly I didn’t notice before. It looked the same from memory but that wasn’t so reliable.

It seems like the auto exposure is affecting it. That’s a guess really but I’ve seen some other comments about it.

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Thanks for checking it out; really appreciate the feedback & help. Really miss the previous set-up when it comes to this.

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Np, that’s a nice studio. I hope you’re able to find a use for it.

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