Peugeot 205 1985-1992

Click VOTE above the title of this topic to request the Peugeot 205 1985-1992 specifically for Forza Motorsport. Reply with details about the specific model year or trim you prefer. If you want this model in FH5 you must also vote separately on the same model topic in the Car Voting - FH category.

Would like to see the Rallye (1988-1992) that is present in FH5.

205 1.6gti/cti


205 GTi 1.9


Voted, for the 205 GTI 1.9, because it’s better than a Golf.


Please add the 1.9 GTI 131hp!

It’s one of the most fun and iconic hot hatches ever! Have become rare and in high demand since!

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oui la peugeot 205 GTI