Permanently remove the Eliminator in Forza Horizon 6 and future Horizon Series

It’s just that I don’t ever play the Eliminator It’s not that fun and me and several others don’t want it no more and we don’t want Forza Horizon six’s map to be suited/fitted for the Eliminator nor do we want Forza Horizon 6 to be completely barren all for there to be room for the Eliminator so for Forza Horizon 6 and future Horizon Series please never ever add the Eliminator again instead add Cops and Robbers or Hide and Seek or add a Football/Soccer or Bowling game modes to replace the Eliminator or better yet add them all to replace the Eliminator

I and others don’t want to play any of those games you suggested so please don’t add them to fh6 or future horizon games.

Nobody is forcing you to play eliminator


Hello, I agree with you. If you do not like eliminator, you can just avoid to play this mode.
If we combine those who do not like drift, on line racing, arcade, auction, photo, painting…we can stop the series and go back to mario kart. But I guess some people do not like mario Kart.
Let The Eliminator live. Thanks !


For me its not about liking the eliminator or not. Its about the gamemode itself ruining map design for the sake of a better experience when playing it. I could argue it hurts the game more than it actually benefits it.
Obviously back in Horizon 4 the map wasn’t build with Eliminator in mind. So it wasn’t an issue back then. But now it is.

Because after all a map isnt built without the type of gameplay involved on it in mind. And if i had the choice to sacrifise Eliminator for the sake of a better map i wouldn’t think twice.

On top of that lets add to the fact that this gamemode has been left untouched since the game was released. Meaning no new content was added to it. I could argue other than having it play on a different map with different cars from the same roster isn’t really much of a change. Might as well get rid of it and put the focus on the more important aspects of the game


The FH4 map definitely provided more challange. A more suited map in the case of Horizon 5 means a map that lifts off some of the frustrations from the Horizon 4’s map. Which was that you had a map that was a lot more packed, therefore a lot more difficult to navigate through. Opening up the map for Eliminator in Horizon 5 is just a continuation of what PG have been doing more and more with each game. And that is opening up the game to wider audience by removing progression, making the game a lot easier as a whole, making the handling a lot more accesible. And thats what ultimately lead to Horizon 4 and 5’s success because it managed ot appeal to the mass player.

I believe its the same deal with Eliminator in Horizon 5. Remove the barriers that made the old map frustrating so they can open up to more new players, while in the process disappointing the more dedicated hardcore fans of the game. And ultimately that lead to well a map that looks like this. Even expansion 2 proved they could built a densely packed map if they wanted to. Thats the problem.

The last 2-3 games themselves have progressively been doing just what you’re saying. Disappointing one part of the community for the sake of pleasing the widest audience possible. And look how that turned out. So in the end of the day horizon’s gotta make a decision. Someone’s gonna get offended for it, its just a matter of who.


Well I’m glad that you love my suggestion and I agree with you on everything you’ve said and also if I’ve made it sound like I was offended by the eliminator I didn’t intend for me to make it sound like it but they’re people in the Forza community that do get easily offended for some reason why I don’t know and one final thing I never noticed FH3 was in some ways like FH4 and FH5 but it probably is and I just didn’t see it and also if you loved my suggestion about the eliminator please spread it around and also check out my other suggestions as well so anyways peace :v:

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It sounds a bit harsh but it is what it is. Talking about forza always sparks the tension ;d I liked playing eliminator and the learning curve was fun but its time to go for good.

I wouldn’t mind it as much maybe if it was on a seprate map but thats just not gonna happen i feel like. Eventlab seems to be getting more love than eliminator or super 7 so maybe its not just us that dont see perspective in keeping it

There was a leak btw for eliminator update but that was like 10 months ago.

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Well I’m about to have one of the Forza suggestions hub moderators to remove this post but before it gets removed please check out a post made by @The_Weon_1243 cause he has a way better solution for both the map and the eliminator his suggestion is a solution for both a better map and for the eliminator to still be in the Forza Horizon Series

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I’m about to have one of the Forza suggestions hub moderators to remove this post but before it gets removed please check out a post made by @The_Weon_1243 cause he has a way better solution for both the map and the eliminator his suggestion is a solution for both a better map and for the eliminator to still be in the Forza Horizon Series

I’m planning on to remove this post but before it gets removed please check out a post made by @The_Weon_1243 cause he has a way better solution for both the map and the eliminator his suggestion is a solution for both a better map and for the eliminator to still be in the Forza Horizon Series

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Playground Games is by making it part of the weekly playlist. Many of us want to get the 100% mark and when we have to play the eliminator we simply hide until 30 players are left then drive outside of the boundaries so that we can leave and get the completion.