Permanent Nordschleife race event In Featured Multiplayer with rotating car classes

Since Nordschleife is soon to be added to the game, could you make it a permanent addition to featured multiplayer with a rotating class? Thank you.

Yes, I would love to see a permanent ring hopper. And more than 1 lap races.


Surprised I need to suggest this one.
Please add the Green Hell to Featured Multiplayer track rotation.
Better yet have an exclusive Nordschleife hopper.


This. I would add 2 hoppers that copy what the Open Class hoppers do with alternating high and low classes. I prefer lower class cars because it’s more fun trying to make a slow car go fast than it is to take a fast car and not be able to push it to its limit. Other people prefer the higher class cars over the slower ones so cater to both.


Let’s please keep these to two separate topics as these are different systems we want to track separately. Voting for multiplayer racing in this topic, vs voting on a track day hopper here:

It seems silly to me that they added this beautiful track and I cant play it in featured multiplayer. Featured multiplayer is the only mode i play in the game and i want to play this track. I dont do single player or time attack. Please put nordschleife in featured multiplayer, seems like a no brainer to me

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Crossing my fingers that next weeks rotation includes Nords. Not getting my hopes up though.

Originally this topic was meant for permanent Nordschleife-only races with a rotating class. When writing this suggestion I didn’t know Nordschleife wouldn’t be included in the normal featured multiplayer track rotation. I think there should be another suggestion for that as there is for track day.

Laughably bad this has to even be done. Imagine Halo releasing a new map and it isn’t in any playlists. I’m not a fan of piling on devs, but this type of misstep is inexcusably awful.

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permanent nord :pray:

Yes, we also need this track for featured multiplayer. However, a better and more effective multiplayer system is needed, where players who push and break the rules are “rewarded” with actual slowdowns of several seconds. This way we can play with a more regular and enjoyable multiplayer.

If you would Like this In the Game Make your voice Heard by Voting!

Lets see if they are listening with this coming update 7.

Public lobbies created by users with their own rule sets. Imagine that. Not like we know how to have fun.

Nah, just set up a private lobby and join a million discords in efforts to find someone willing to join.