PC very stuttery/laggy on horizon 3

Hi everyone, I’m trying to play forza horizon 3 on PC and have been having nothing but troubles! I love the game but cannot play it due to lag and stuttering problems on and offline.

I could not get any significant help from xbox and their seems to be no actual support for the game SO ive came to the forums to ask people who know more about it than me :slight_smile: my system can run pretty high end games on ultra settings or atleast high settings, but no matter what I do on forza it does not run smooth. I have massive random frame rate drop and my CPU uses almost 100 percent power.

I don’t really have any other racing games but other shooters run smooth as butter without an issue in most cases.

I have a windows 10 home edition 64 bit OS
AMD Athlon X4 860K quad core processor
8 gigabytes of ram with direct X 12 if that matters (I thought maybe my ram is too low but my CPU also struggles with this game so I’m not too sure…)
GTX 1060 3GB gpu (which from what I hear should run this game just fine)

any ideas? ive tried a lot including signing in and out, I would have uninstalled and reinstalled the game but cannot find the game files, I have tried making the game high priority under task manager, ive tinkered with settings and with previous help to no prevail.

I see it is a relatively common issue to have problems with forza 3 on PC but its just odd I can play any other modern game just fine and not forza :S


You can track your utilization with software like MSI Afterburner (no matter what brand your GPU is !) to check for CPU, RAM, GPU, etc.)

Someone asked for FM7 today … with a GTX 1060 3gb gpu too.

Just did a quick check for FH3 …

1080p 60fps @ everything on lowest: min 2874, max 3100+
1080p 60fps @ everything on ultra: min 4500, max 5000+

Same GPU, different game, same problem, imho …

Test it for your system and post a screenshot.

I recommend to log CPU for every core, GPU usage, GPU power, GPU memory usage, and RAM usage.
See my screenshot inside the other thread.

It will log the utilization in the background while you are playing.

used that program and it said during gaming it used 100% cpu usage almost constantly on all 4 cores, and the GPU spikes twice to almost 100% b ut it was literally a spike for a split second during the time I was on other than that it was OK. RAM usage was at 7816 MB max, which I guess would be 7.816 GB which being 8GB is my max…

plus game runs relatively smoothly except for when I am like above 100 MPH or in a busy area like the city… just going slow in the desert my framerate is OK

if I had to take a stab at it, I need more ram? does any ram work? what do I do about my CPU do you guys have any suggestions? should I try lowering ALL graphics to minimum? I don’t know if that would matter because it seems the GPU is holding its own, which means graphics aren’t the problem?

thanks alot

I was having issues in the begining of PC building . this game is quite heavy I went from a fx4300 to a fx6300 with a 1050ti gigabyte mobo 990 and 18gb ram.it ran perfect 75fps. With the fx4300i was getting constant lag and shutter .

CPU bottlenecking. Good graphics card not so good CPU to handle.

I’ve got a i7 4790, 16gb ddr3 ram, samsung 850Pro 500gb SSD and a MSI gaming 1080 TI and i get stuttering if i allow Forza 3 to select settings…

lock to a frame rate of your choice. I’m using 72 which seems stable. but my system is capable of much higher but this keeps the game happy for me anyways

vsync: on
framerate smoothing : off
prerendered frames : 1
threaded optimization: on
dynamic optimization: off ← This is an evil setting
setting it to off smooths the game out. stops stuttering

these settings work for me. so your mileage may vary.
for whatever reason once a week or so forza 3 resets my video settings and i have to redo my custom settings again… ever since one of the first CU windows 10 updates.

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Drop Monitor hz to 50-60 lower better performance

XBOX ports usually have a cap of 60 FPS on there games so this actually fixed it no BS

couldn’t play very low settings with monitor set to 75
now I play ultra with 60

good luck

Drop Monitor hz down to 50-60

fixed everything couldn’t play on very low now I play ultra

GTX 970

Hi! Forza horizon 3 is one of my favourite games, but its SO laggy on my pc… Can someone tell me what help to fix this lag? thanks :3