Most noticeable but not limited to night races.
When driving more then 2,3 seconds behind a car, the livery, wheels, bumpers and lights disappear, like a floating car body. When getting closer the full car and livery “pops” back in…
When going into photomode the livery and bodyparts of the car more then a few seconds ahead appear again as normal.
Not gamebreaking, but very annoying and breaks the immersion.
I run windows 10, i5 8600, 16gb ram, 1070TI on ultra settings (not dynamic) with around 120FPS. (scaling on 150%)
Anyone else has this?
depending on what car is in front of me - i see small to extreme changes of the shape and the worst is that the red taillights changing to white! Nice feeling exiting the turn with 240kmh and looking into white lights 
In my case it seems to be the distance of about 70 meters that changes the appearence
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Yeah, this has been an issue for a long while. T10 has yet to address it. For me it happened after one of the updates and has never been fixed. If you search “LOD wheels night” you should find the most relevant post regarding this.
The workaround that worked for me was to turn car models down to Dynamic. It’s not ideal, and I wish T10 would fix whatever is causing it to happen.
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