Ordered [digital or physical] edition can I upgrade to ultimate version

[Mod Edit - threads merged. A: you will be able to purchase the components of the Ultimate edition as separate add-ons, but Early Access is only available to digital Ultimate Edition owners. See FAQ and DLC sticky threads and posts in this thread. - MM]

I pre ordered the digital deluxe edition on Xbox live but now wish I’d ordered the ultimate edition … Is it possible to upgrade to that before release?

You will have to contact Xbox support

I would contact Xbox Support through their online chat, explain the situation and I’m sure they would happily help you out.

If I plan on getting the FM6 xbox one which comes with a standard edition download, how do i upgrade to the ultimate edition without buying the game twice?

You cant. The console comes with the standard edition only. The ultimate edition will have to be bought separate.

wouldn’t it have made sense to package the console with ultimate? what did they have to lose? so the guys who spend the most get screwed?

anyone know if the download that comes with the console is on a separate code? as in a code i can give away if i buy the ultimate?

yes you will be able to sell the standard edition as it is a separate code. But all the ultimate edition features can be bought separate except the early access. It would be cheaper to buy the car pass and vip separate maybe i don’t know.

thanks for the reply. i was more worried about the F&F pack, as it currently only says “bundle” in the store.

so if i get the ultimate edition i can’t play it early access since the FM6 console doesn’t even come out until the 15th? man they have this all screwed up.

You’re paying for a console. With the standard game included, it’s like £30 more than a normal 1TB system in the UK so stop acting like you’re hard done by.

You’re talking to the same people who bundled Kinect in with the XO to begin with. Turns out not everyone wanted to splash out on the full package so they lost sales.

Now people have the option to buy the Ultimate Edition extras seperately if they wish to. Early Access obviously isn’t included, but surely this doesn’t surprise you?

You can buy vip,car pass and FnF pack to add to the game that comes with the console,which is what I am going to do. By adding these,you have the same as the ultimate edition,with out early access,which don’t matter since the console don’t get here until the 15th.

[Mod Edit - thread merged. Contact Xbox Support about account transactions. - MM]
Preorderd Deluxe from MS store, can I uppgrade to ultimate and only pay the dif? as I dont want to pay 995 SEk more for early access :slight_smile:

I’ll admit it is stupid for the Forza Xbox to come with the base version of Forza.

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As others have said the Forza console doesn’t even come out until the 15th, so what would be the point in wanting the Ultimate edition when you wouldn’t be able to play it early. If you’re wanting the console, just buy everything separately and then you have the ultimate edition.

Hahaha … another one xD xD xD

Maybe because you get a $ 20 - 30 discount by buying the Ultimate Edition in comparsion to buy all the DLCs separatly.

But meanwhile I know, that “some” just spend the $ 30 extra to play a couple of days early.

Oh and there’s a term for those … early BIRDS xD xD xD


The whole LE Console without Ultimate Edition of the game “nonsense” was already discussed here …


If you want the LE Console AND the Ultimate Edition of the game, just make it like EvilRT71 …

Buying the ultimate edition and the console. Ill be giving a friend the standard game that comes with the console for free instead of being greedy like most people and make someone pay for it.

As posted above: please contact Xbox Support using Live Chat.

Seeing that the game has not been released yet, you are eligible for a refund of the original amount which can then be spent on other version or other games.

Contacted Xbox support and they sorted it out for me :slight_smile:

Assuming here…

ALL Car packs will be included with the purchase of the Season Pass, and VIP.

Physical 10 year edition, is $60.

Car Pass will likely be $30.

Vip Will likely be $20.

Meaning buying the Ultimate edition will get you 5 days of early access, and save you $10 over the alternative version.

To me, someone that Will also be playing Destiny’s “The Taken King Expansion”, that 5 days early access is VERY appealing. That means I get to spend a full weekend, doing Forza stuff, before I am overwhelmed with the urge to grind for Motes of Light, and whatever other Bulk Stuff, I need to do in Destiny.

I would love to adopt the mindset, which allows me to Download The Ultimate Edition, but I simply cannot wrap my head around the fact that it will take 15 hours for the game and Content to actually make it to my Hard drive.

It is not Like I can download it while I sleep, and while I am at work. The likely thing is, the Pre-load would occur while I want to be playing a game… which due to the bad internet service I have, would be nearly impossible.

The fact that Every time I turn on my Console I need a 3 hour update, doesn’t help the fact either. I would much rather wait until the physical copy is available, and waste $10 on the DLC not being bundled with the game.

The only thing that would make me mad, is if when I open the case for the game, there is a DLC card, rather than a disc… Then I would be furious.