Assuming here…
ALL Car packs will be included with the purchase of the Season Pass, and VIP.
Physical 10 year edition, is $60.
Car Pass will likely be $30.
Vip Will likely be $20.
Meaning buying the Ultimate edition will get you 5 days of early access, and save you $10 over the alternative version.
To me, someone that Will also be playing Destiny’s “The Taken King Expansion”, that 5 days early access is VERY appealing. That means I get to spend a full weekend, doing Forza stuff, before I am overwhelmed with the urge to grind for Motes of Light, and whatever other Bulk Stuff, I need to do in Destiny.
I would love to adopt the mindset, which allows me to Download The Ultimate Edition, but I simply cannot wrap my head around the fact that it will take 15 hours for the game and Content to actually make it to my Hard drive.
It is not Like I can download it while I sleep, and while I am at work. The likely thing is, the Pre-load would occur while I want to be playing a game… which due to the bad internet service I have, would be nearly impossible.
The fact that Every time I turn on my Console I need a 3 hour update, doesn’t help the fact either. I would much rather wait until the physical copy is available, and waste $10 on the DLC not being bundled with the game.
The only thing that would make me mad, is if when I open the case for the game, there is a DLC card, rather than a disc… Then I would be furious.