I’m so sorry if this is the wrong way to post, forums make no sense to me.
Me and all my friends got this game (fm7) and we so stoked to play online, everyone had built a sweet drift car and we all joined in and realized we all had the stock paint showing on our cars. So I can see my stickers, graphics, new paint color etc. But they can only see my car as what color I bought it in. Its super annoying because at least with my group of buddies we all like to have a our cool kitted and painted cars door to door and show off our artistic touches to our rigs. I joined a group on FB to find out it’s a huge issue and nobody has done anything about it yet, is there anytime we can expect to get our liveries online?
Same issue here. I play on PC but my friends play on Xbox and I thought that may have been the issue. Upon reading other peoples reports though, it seems not. Hope they fix this soon, makes creating a cool livery less… cool.