Yep yep i live in the middle of nowhere and cant get decent internet anymore. Alot of liveries i get when i take my xbox to get updates wont work when i get home and any paint jobs i make myself wont save to the car, hell even if i buy the car in another color it reverts to the color it first shows when picked. Any one else have this issue?
Just saw it in known issues… anyone found a fix?
I think this happens because designs are saved in the cloud and, to access the cloud, you need an internet connection, but don’t quote me on that.
Yes I have this same problem. It has been going on since the October update. I have actually contacted them about a number of times. Someone from Turn 10 said it was being looked into (that was about 2 weeks ago to show how much of a priorityit is to fix). Personally I am getting tired of the OFFLINE gamers getting the short end of the stick these days.
Why the hell would they make designs save to the cloud. Ima send them a email aswell to hopefully keep them on top of it. Im sure they dont here as much about offline issues as others
But they cant all be saved to the cloud as the ones i make when connected to the net or downloaded liveries will stick … hmmm