online adventure voting broken?

So i was going to jump into some online adventure for relatively seamless online racing. Jumped in and was put into an in progress S1 championship. That finished and voting came up 1 A class playground games 1, S1 race champ and 1 S2 race champ. Well none of them really appeal so i basically veto’d and let the group decide. It went to the S2’s. We finish that and voting comes up. 1 A class playground games 1, S1 race champ and 1 S2 race champ.

Well i really didnt want to do any of those so i vetod let the group decide then stepped out and waited a bit before trying again. Again i join an in progress S1 champ., at the last race event. So i do the race event and wait for the voting to come up. 1 A class playground games, 1 S1 race champ and 1 S2 race champ. Nothing else but that seemingly fixed set of events, not even the option to vote for soemthing else. The exact same set time after time.

If this is NOT a bug i have to ask, why bother having D C B and A classes in the game if they are being completely blocked from online “matchmaking” races (yes races playground games arent races)

Just coincidence. i was playing yesterday and got b, c, d a bunch of times.

It usually is related to the class of cars that you’re currently driving. If you race s1 it will usually let you choose from s2, s1, and a. If you race class B it will usually let you choose from A, B, and class C. It’s designed that way to keep the party going so to say. I should stress the “usually” in these situations because they will randomise sometimes.

It is by design.

The vote is for the previous class +/- 1.

So if people keep picking S1 the vote will always be A, S1, S2.

Vote for the class closest to what you want.

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