On the Road to Forza Horizon 6 - Friendly Suggestion

Hello PPG and everyone.

It looks like we’re on the road to Forza Horizon 6! The next release is always an exciting time but I’d just like to throw my 2 cents in to the pot of what I’m looking to see from PGG in the lead up to the next release based on previous experiences from older titles, going from 3 to 4 and then from 4 to 5.

I’m not going to make a wish list of things I want for the games, all I would like is this…

Don’t over hype and under deliver.

The generated hype for FH5 and what was delivered at the beginning left a bad taste in my mouth. The game was playing catch-up although, it did finally get there, but there still are issues, including syncing between the console to PC and visa versa, amongst other issues.

I generally pre-order these titles to try and help out the developers in my small way, but after the last experience, I am somewhat gun shy. I will however, give it one more chance, unless, I hear the phrase “built from the ground up”. I honestly never want to hear that associated with any game release ever again! I will run in the opposite direction.

Please learn from what happened on the lead up to the release of Forza Motorsport. The hype was like nothing I have seen before and what was delivered was so far from what was promised, I’m still shocked and astounded 1 year after it’s release.

Thanks for reading and good luck