Not receiving the amount of credits said was given

i redeemed points and it said 3,900,000 credits redeemed but i only got 300,000 credits. can someone help with this situation or has the same problem?

The 3,900,000 is more than likely your total accumulated rewards. I have 16,810,000. And that is accumulated.

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I presume you’re talking about Forza Rewards. If so, I doubt you were due 3,900,000 CR because I’m tier 6 and only get 1,000,000.

but it said redeem 3,900,000 credits not 300,000 credits

You have to be looking at your REDEEMED rewards, which is a total of all rewards redeemed since the start of the program nearly a year ago. The maximum credits for any month is if you are Tier 6 which will get you 1,500,000 credits.

Given you are Tier 4 that means the max you will get a month is 600,000 credits. You might want to look HERE for more info and clarification on the Rewards program.

I love those 1.500.000 bucks

I’m not getting my rewards credits this month yet. I’m tier 5 and it said I should get 1,000,000 credits, but I never got the gift message in my inbox. Anyone else having this trouble?

So when it says ‘redeemed’ that’s how much you have been gifted since you started using it?

Yes. There are two layers when looking at the page before redemption. The top layer with the big red REDEEM NOW button shows how much you will get in FM4, FM5, and FH.

The second, lower layer shows how much you have redeemed all together since you signed up to do Forza Rewards. At Tier 6, the highest tier, I only get 1.5 million a month in FM5 and 150K for FM4 and FHso there is no way you can have gotten 3.9 million in one game at one time.

As to the person who hasn’t gotten their credits; make sure you visit the site and actually redeem them. After that just wait, they’ve been a bit delayed this month - mine took 30 hours roughly.

Thanks PPiDrive, I just started getting my credits now too. Mine took about 24 hours.