So yesterday I decided to do 50 laps on the Nürburgring Full circuit in the Forza edition GTR only to find out after the 8 hours and 10 minuets it took me to complete, I got no credits or no xp what so ever, but it still used the vip mods… I have proof that i done the race and would like to know why I didn’t rechive anything?
[Mod Edit - Trolling removed - D]
Did you do the race in Free Play using a car you didn’t have in your garage? Rental cars don’t provide payouts.
If he’s using a VIP car, it should be a car he owns.
Yes it was in free play and yes i own the GTR, I got it in the vip prize crates.
Low driver difficulty?
Ai difficulty: Above Average
Suggested Line: off
Breaking: ABS on
Steering: normal
Traction Control: off
Stability Control: off
Shifting: manual
Damage: Cosmetic
Rewind: off
Friction assist: on
I also used two of the 100% cr vip cards and the walk the line mod
I am having the same issue. No payout after Freeplay race.
Yes I own the car.
50 laps Indy in Renault R.S.17
This is on PC version.
Yeah having this problem too. not only in free play but also with career, but only when race length is set to long or extra long, tried restarting game and this still happens.The XP rewards will show up in the tab on the main menu but no credits appearing. hope this gets fixed soon its quite infuriating doing 30+ laps in a race and then having the game skip the XP and CR, pointless playing the game any further if Im not getting anything for the effort.
Well it looks like Forza don’t even care that their customers aren’t receiving their rewards from a long endurance race… I still haven’t got a reply off them explaing what could of happend or help try resolve this issue. I find it quite disappointing if i’m honest.
[Mod Edit - Trolling removed - D]
With regards to no credit or XP bonuses, if you use any of the super easy assists it will not pay put, you need to play the game properly.
Am I missing something? As far as I can tell there are no microtransactions in this game at all. so how could they ‘force’ you to ‘buy’ loot crates?
I wish people would give it a rest with the whole loot crate nonsense.
The loot crates are optional but since you make tons more credits using the mods, you may aswell use them. It only seems to be people that don’t understand how to use them that are complaining about them, but even then if you don’t want to use them, then don’t simple.
I think too many people have been stung by the “premium” crates. The only one worth buying is the master mod crate at 30,000 credits, nothing else. Once you buy these you realise quickly that you make tones of cash. the rest are all a complete waste of credits and completely pointless unless you care about driver gear for some reason.
Another day gone and still no reply or help… Isn’t it a developers job to help and resolve peoples problems/issues they’re having with their product?
Actually no. A developers job is to develop the game. The figure you’re thinking is a customer service representative and dispute the large “community outreach team” employed by Turn10 studios what they lack is a customer service or communications team.
Stop thinking of the community team as customer service; start thinking of them more along the lines of propaganda pushers and you’ll be all set.
Today I just finished 100 laps of Daytona and didn’t get anything just went back to the screen of main menu
In Free Play? With a rental car? Friction Assist or other Super Easy assists on?
You have to race yourself. If you use super easy assists you don’t get any credits or xp.
Not getting rewarded for league participation either. Done 3 races today in the mx5 league 1 podium finish but no credits driver xp or bonus 1st race and 1st podium however I did get the multiplayer xp putting me 90 off of level 3. What’s going on??