No update

Like the subject says, no update here and haven’t been able to connect to the FM servers all night. Keep getting ‘Try again later’. Is this just me, global, or an Antipodean special?

Must be something your end. I’m playing right now.

Mine was also fine a few hours ago, update download no problem, try turning instant on in settings so it downloads updates auto and restart your console then launch fm5 and see if that worked.

I have the background downloads enabled and XBL was connecting as usual. Mr and Mrs Forza weren’t answering the phone, but the game was playing fine in off-line mode. Maybe there’s a hiccup in the local roll-out. and I’ve copped some kind of block.

Mick I had my console on auto download overnight and it did not work. I changed it to background downloads off and energy save mode, rebooted, put in the FM5 disc and it asked for the update. Try that.

My update is taking hours to complete, I’m at 43% at the moment but it’s been downloading since this morning.

Has this happened to anyone else and if so how do you speed it up?

P.S my internet speed is not the problem.

Did you get it to work,Mick?

Yep. The update had somehow stealth-installed itself but in doing so had locked me out of the FM servers. I cold booted the console as suggested by SNE and it was all miraculously cured.