No menu control with Fanatec CSL Elite PS4-Edition on PC

I received a new csl elite ps4 steering wheel yesterday. Unfortunately the csl elite preset does not work in the controller options. I can map it manually and everything works fine in the race. But I can’t control anything in the menu. Simple functions like up, down, left, right, enter and Esc are not possible with the csl elite steering wheel.

Of course firmware and drivers are up to date. And for example in Dirt 4 everything works fine.

Does anyone have an idea?

I assume you are using the P1 wheel that comes with the CSL for PS4 ?

You need the universal hub for xbox on your wheel, then everything works fine on the xbox.

I play on PC…there is no need for the Xbox-compatible wheel. I think, that Turn10 forgot to map the csl elite Wheelbase for the menu.

Did you fix?

I believe Forza on PC assumes you are using the keyboard to navigate around the menus. I use a small Bluetooth keyboard for that purpose.