Night Sky Improvements

I’m sure this has been brought up many times but we need darker nighttime sky. Some things i personally want to see improved:

  1. stars should twinkle and shimmer with respect to humidity.
  2. there should be falling stars(meteors, comets, fireball meteors, green tail-ed etc)
  3. variety of street lighting ranging from no to dim to bright street lamps.
  4. seasonal night sky images, i.e. every season the night sky and its stars change positions.
  5. addition of milky way galaxy with changing positions, mentioned in point 4.

i would like to applaud rendering engineers because of how impressive it looks and runs so flawlessly.

it’d be cool. shimmering stars & meteors might be easy to implement, however deep sky objects would require a different skybox strategy with textures.

the night sky is accurate which is pretty neat.
Triangulating the position, it’s not Mexico (However it’s difficult to tell, because positions are identical during any season)

What currently is visible:

What should be visible: