Newbee question

The last Forza I played was 4. It let you record a video and it be loaded on your gallery so you can download it. Can you do that on 6 and how? I saved a video and shared it but I don’t see it on my gallery.

I’m not on my console right now, but I believe the replays are on the forza tv section and the gallery is just for pictures.

You may be able to see your videos on the Xbox website:

Gameplay footage recording is built into the native Xbox featureset now, instead of being a Forza-only feature.

You can use the Game DVR app to record footage of up to 5 minutes, or stream on Twitch.

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Game dvr will also upload to your onedrive where it’ll be accessible from any Windows 10 computer

Best thing about having Kinect is just saying “xbox, record that” when some thing crazy happens

Saving replays in the Forza TV section does not make them veiwable online, it only makes them viewable from within Forza 6. This is because it is not a video file, it is a replay file, which uses game data to render the video.

As others have suggested, the Xbox One’s built-in Game DVR will let you record video and upload it to the Internet as a regular video file.