New To Tuning

So my problem is plain and simple. Always loved Forza, but I’ve never gotten into tuning for actual speed racing. Drift and drag are decently fun and somewhat got into tuning cars for them starting in FM4 but never really knew how to tune for getting the best control out of my cars. The TMT (three minute tune) that was previously posted on here was absolutely awesome and helped quite a bit for RWD but it’s spiked my interest with advancing my tuning capabilities for AWD & FWD cars. I definitely understand the concept of what does what like the camber, spring stiffness, etc. but as everyone knows, to much here or not enough there makes a big difference as far as the performance of each car. So, any pointers for making adjustments on FWD and AWD setups to get at least better handling than stock control for these cars would be nothing less than greatly appreciated. And also, what would you all recommend most as the better upgrades for lower class cars? Furthermore, please feel free to add me. I’m certainly not the best racer and I’m definitely not out for blood lol. Thanks for reading and I appreciate all the help.

The TMT works on FWD and AWD. The only difference is the differential setting. I haven’t conclusively settled on one for those drive types. The current top contenders are: FWD 33/0 and AWD 33/0 60/30/ 75. I’m still testing what works best for most cars.

Hmmm…ok, btw I use the tmt for every one of my rwd cars lol I love it, thanks for that. But, I’ve always set my diff’s to higher, why so low? Like 9% and 27%?

You might ant to also check out some additional threads…

Check these threads out…









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Click ‘here’ to get to my FWD Vauxhall VXR.
The Tune I did for this car pretty much works for all FWD!
Hopefully those setting help.
AWD is a bit more complicated but the diff is usually what you should focus on…
I usually use:
100% / 0% / 50% / 0% with a torque split of 50% - 65%

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Very cool, I really appreciate all the input. Haven’t tried any of these tunes yet but I’m definitely excited to try them out! Again, thanks a bunch. I’ve always read that the roll bar settings and spring settings are everything but can be tackled with some simple math. Hopefully I can come up with a monster of a tune with all the help!